Friday, December 10, 2010

Used Wrestling Mats For Home

Adrift - Bar 2 / 4 Supremacy of the lunch break

The questionable talents of baristas in Milan are also directly responsible for the phenomenon of dell'atroce lunch, event and social atmosphere of the city (with peaks of concern in the surrounding offices) from 12 to 14.30 as the aurora borealis sauce and pork chops defrosted.
For several years, the bar they found that speculating on the latter dragged microwave ravioli and marble can pay the installments of the new BMW without giving up the satellite. But first things first.


ciardi copy

In prima fila nella dieta tutt'altro che mediterranea del milanese medio, resistono ancora i panini - accatastati, impilati, piramidati, con didascalie del tipo "carpaccio di bresaola" derivanti dal fatto che pur di risparmiare sul salume i milanesi stanno diventando dei tagliatori che neanche quelli del pesce palla - dal prezzo oscillante tra i 4 euro e i suoi multipli.
Con picchi preoccupanti: rasenta la denuncia la filiale (non è un caso che si usi un termine tipico del sistema bancario) de "il Panino Giusto" in centro città - che con acrobazie linguistiche degne di Borges è capace di farvi pagare financo otto euro paninetti di dimensioni festa-delle-medie con prosciutto cotto (di cui per l'occasione verrà quoted the source, smoking, or the name of the pig) with a hint of pâté on bread. Closely followed almost all the bars in the area - and the sandwich will be even shorter as close to the Duomo.
If your sandwiches must die, do so with style. In
Crocetta, in the bar of the same name, next to the Teatro Carcano, many do not know how old-monster sandwiches are served in general that the maidens are struggling just to bite. The cost remains important (up from 6 €) but we are talking about a full meal later with promises not to eat anything that comes in the evening. Biography: here, in the afternoon to 16 years un'ubriacatura knew the potential of voice Divi, which after a couple of Tennent's began to scream songs of Nirvana and Oasis, for me that was serious.
Of equal emotional weight and caloric Margy Burger (Ciardi, per century), a type of abnormal fast food to Milan which offers - in a wooden frame of the past - mainly sandwiches and sausages with red cabbage, burgers of various tonnages, sandwich with landjeger or mackerel (fish generally ignored by large circuits franchising). The photos of the sandwiches are the same as when I was eight years old and my mother took me to gorge themselves after the film - even when there were movie theaters downtown, but that's another story. Excellent after the demonstrations, since the location - St. Stephen's Square - it is almost always Transit or destination for most of the parades in Milan. At the tail end
fast and certainly incomplete overview of the Milanese serious sandwiches for lunch and a pleasant little bar in viale Bligny anonymous, at the Paolo Grassi, that nothing and no show promise for three and a half euro performs miracles. A rare case reminiscent of a sound rule: if the paniname already stated, stuffed and price, not to be trusted.
Birth and death: we see all of us.



For many years now there is, however, to deal with first courses disturbing, still lifes of macaroni and juices that flow down from the property spaghetti like frozen waterfalls in a garden in Finland.
followed to some extent away salads.
Anyone who has made a healthy holiday savings to know that the food cheaper and - on the short drive - or at least capable of satisfying filling, the cans are. Beans, corn, tuna and anything else the man has decided to force `in the can for posterity. Try to eat for ten days you'll have to put the tiger balm under your nose as Dana Scully every time you go to the toilet. No wonder: when you eat something that promises to be good until 2021, will be said that good can not be ever. The salads are nothing more than a ruthless mix of these normally ladies desperate remedies, enriched by fraud in the open like crab or palm. You are at least € - stuff that we field a week in camp.
Obviously the birth and subsequent affirmation of salads is the daughter pesoforma era in which we find ourselves now at least ten years.
If you are interested in the matter and want to experience something really severe and annihilating, head to the macrobiotic center just above the tourist office in Via Larga French: the environment, similar to the recreation room of an Austrian clinic or a sect projects with suicide, is able to mortify every appetite. If anything were to stand up remnants of the actual time of feeding, will be terrified by a string of cakes and broths that are able to avoid the taste, smell and all the main characteristics of the food enough to make you wonder if you are not actually sick. To confirm, a staff of nuns disguised as kindergarten teachers that will require a serious and culpable silence in the room, then ask several doubloons. However, experience - and an excellent opportunity to meet and managerotti sorry sir-well that lead around the dog and the bottle of antidepressants.

PS: I find that the handheld, which is the pith of a palm tree with so many sandwiches and salads are overpriced, is derived mainly from trees felled for other reasons, which - most importantly - the construction of new roads. The I knew. NOTHING IN THE HOOD


Although chronologically breakfast before the lunch break, it hierarchically - that allows profit margins are far higher - dramatically outperforms the time to cap and brioche. Up to
sovrapporcisi: already nine-thirty in the morning, the bartender against the average Milanese colazionaro the utter lack of interest - and seeks instead to begin to fill and drain cans of tuna sandwiches for the most varied uses. The result is often a confusion of smells and visions that further the meager tramutizzano brioche that you find yourself in hand - often as a gnucca Buondì forgotten summer Last week (in the square on May 24, under the arcades, there are the pastries good - but also from that Ponky's, which seems to bar the Meazza, near Corso Genova. If you want to gain weight to a pound just wake up, go instead to the pastry Aeolian of Nettle Street - where they put the ricotta is also on the ticket).
is worth then to report a nuisance and now well established new breakfast Milan: When you order a cappuccino, over the counter asks what we want cocoa? , chorus born in the last two years (before, I swear, it happened) that probably excites `bored bartender but irritate anyone with more than 12 years, or at least me.
Because I already run in the morning and if I wanted my balls with cocoa I ask. Cappuccino is a sequence of alphabetic characters which indicates a certain drink. For the cappuccino with cocoa is at this point a `other alphabetical sequence, since it costs nothing to invent words. We have no time to waste time with the menu of options - especially in Milan.
Obviously there are scattered Bakeries high-ranking (on average and dearest with that between the staff and the know-all of which Milan is no longer what it once was) who are or would be able to slap-up breakfast, but for unknown reasons no one dares to go beyond the ubiquitous gnucca brioche.
Thousand experiences that morning meals are eaten in the world seem not worth anything, it seems that the body in Milan human physiological need to have cappuccino, croissant and nothing else to survive among the fine particles.
I, who eat in the morning even the wild boar, I suffer terribly and I envy the Peruvian consulate in front of their meeting - already ten o'clock ready to swallow soups, stews and wings of any bird flying in the Andes or the Apennines.


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