Il ricordo è gentiluomo - e per metterti a tuo agio nasconde le tue miserie e riscrive le scene meno riuscite.
Amori lancinanti, vacanze di una vita, primi baci, grandi addii e clamorose dichiarazioni durante il cenone di natale: nelle cantine dei miei lobi frontali si lavora alacremente per farmi credere che in tutti quei momenti io ci fossi col corpo e con la mente, che il mio flusso di coscienza fosse interamente dedicato all'evento in corso.
Ma il presente è distratto e ci vuole del tempo per ridargli credibilità, senso, intenzione.
Una delle poche eccezioni a questa colossale opera di ricostruzione del vissuto (o forse un secondo livello di ricostruzione che ama presentarsi come eccezione), uno tra i pochi luoghi che associo a improvvise e consapevoli intuizioni di compiutezza dell'esistenza for me is the park Forlanini.
If happiness has never lasted more than a minute, that's where I could stay longer - as early risers in the mountains to see deer and one day he meets someone who does not run away at the first sound. The park is
Forlanini in Milan east and extends between the homonymous street, monstrous traffic artery, which provides daily tot inclusion of vehicles in the urban area, and via Corelli, a pleasant street notorious for having to address CPT
gray area between these two lines, certainly nothing undeniably nice, you can find space and oxygen. The park is in fact
Forlanini arguably good - sometimes even arguably beautiful. Part of his questionable
the beauty derives first of all honesty. There are city parks
able to hide the houses and men, and make you think long-quarters of an hour to be elsewhere (the Tiergarten, Berlin, New York's Central Park, the Parco Lambro, Milan).
lie with large foliose branches covering the scenes, we encourage projects bucolic or jogging against the worst painful sense of guilt. The Forlanini no evidence, either, enough large fields that we can make plans projects are divided by small canals that it is reasonable to assume full of huge rats, shoot hills that seem to hide under trees planted close to hide something bad, the background planes that leave from Linate airport, the machines that can run from Linate and Milan perception quite clear that the horizon is a dirty business.
You enter where you want because it has no gates or fences, but fate would have it the way structures doubt limiting its scope: a sort of giant miniature golf that seems built following a period of great hype of the mini (which does not But there never was), a kind of shelter where they raise and stun the dogs bark at me when I have drugs in his pocket, a sort of admired from a small pond where the nerd who tried the radio-controlled boats, a baseball field that I think I'm always in competition with the mini golf in the category sport che in italia nessuno si caga.
La sua discutibile bellezza non ha, a onor del vero, molti altri highlights.
Si potrebbero citare i granitari vintage che raschiano giganteschi blocchi di ghiaccio per affondarli poi in sciroppi di pessime marche o le cascine di grande interesse storico che ho scoperto essere tali solo da wikipedia (per anni le ho credute rifugio ultimo dei ratti enormi di cui sopra), ma sarebbe come cercare di vendere un gameboy a un dodicenne di oggi.

La verità è che mi sembra di ricordare che quindici anni fa, quando ci si giocava a calcio con gli zaini a far da palo e il tramonto a chiudere le partite, tutto dentro e attorno a me fosse più ragionevole.
Melancholy was already there but he did not object, it was like a rudimentary first notice of the time.
you return home tired and I generally bruised, imagining the life that awaited us more or less the same - only with more sex, more money and perhaps the real poles instead of backpacks. Those with real stakes
saw them two Pratoni further: twenty-two Omoni in chest, ranging in age between twenty and sixty, who every Saturday at 13 you would meet to make doors, choose teams, discuss the Saturday before, vows revenge, trying on shin guards, to comment on its belly or bacon.
I played with them several times, risking her legs and waving to receive ball su un campo che pareva immenso già dopo il primo scatto. Capii abbastanza presto che non avevano soldi, che il sesso non era certo un capitolo felice delle loro esistenze e che tutto sommato non ci voleva molto a procurarsi dei pali veri.
Poi cominciò il liceo e la gente smise abbastanza in fretta di voler sudare a pomeriggio.
Con pochi superstiti si inscenarono ancora per diversi anni tentativi di rallentare tutto quello che stava succedendo alle nostre vite. Con risultati alterni, si continuò a sudare e a credere importante buttare la palla tra due zaini che venivano continuamente spostati e messi al centro di inutili discussioni sulle possibilità teoriche di rimpallo della sfera casomai avessero d'improvviso assunto la forma di veri pali.
No one tried to cheat each other that much, and around the park also was not trying to trick us - leaving the machines in the background and feel the air go to places where once we went on foot.
When my heart is full of landscapes and sighs from the manual, going back to remind me to always be the case.
The last time there I found the darkness descended, the ones with real doors that down after the latest attempt not to change anything and the people who have arrived since there certainly had to have a good reason. Perhaps
to finally meet a huge rat, that there in fact I've never met in person.
If that had happened, maybe we would have grown all with less melancholy.
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