Roberto Innocenti Torelli Responsabile. Associazione Articolo 53- Salvatore Scoca - Meuccio Ruini
membro della Associazione Articolo 53 - Salvatore Scoca - Meuccio Ruini
Innnzitutto voglio ringraziare voi per avere accolto il nostro invito e siete venuti, rinunciando a qualche altro importante impegno, per essere con noi qui a festeggiare una persona importante, arzilla ed in salute nonostante i suoi 60 e passa anni.: La nostra Costituzione
Voglio poi cogliere l’occasione per ringraziare il Circolo Andreoni per la calorosa accoglienza che ci riserva questo pomeriggio.
Venendo al tema che sarà trattato da me e dagli amici che con me vedete : Su molte fonti, anche autorevoli, abbiamo avuto modo di leggere contributi inerenti il Sistema Tributario italiano ed il tema della Evasione Fiscale. Ci rendiamo conto che il materiale necessita di una integrazione e di una collocazione strutturale in ambito storico e costituzionale.
Partendo da questa premessa, riteniamo di fare cosa utile condividere con Voi quanto da tempo andiamo affermando sulla base degli studi e delle analisi condotte sull’argomento. Come membri di Italia dei Valori Sesto Fiorentino e responsabili della Associazione Articolo 53- Salvatore Scoca - Meuccio Ruini, abbiamo posto infatti questo obiettivo in cima alla agenda dei nostri lavori.
Anche a fronte degli ultimi accadimenti (promulgazione dello Scudo Fiscale, promulgazione del Lodo Alfano and its Constitutional Court), we believe that the public begin to realize the problems arising from failure to comply with constitutional requirements and the ruin of many of the laws that operated by various governments, but those driven by Knight. Silvio Berlusconi in particular, are launching in terms of fairness in taxation . The conditions applied to the return of capital from abroad, expatriates certainly in defiance to the laws and interests of the country and their fellow citizens, the attempt to change the Constitution by ordinary legislation, are all acts that flow from a widespread ignorance of the fact that as well as the Apennine Mountains form the geographic support of the Peninsula, so the Constitution is and remains the moral support of the nation.
About had the opportunity to read the book "TAX: THE BETRAYED COSTITUZIONA" he mind that the issue of the tax system is quite complex and has its roots in political, social and economic of our country and we can not clear it trivially over a classroom discussion on this or that article of the law. E 'a pervasive and cross-cutting theme that catches many topics. no coincidence that the system of taxes is at the center of each country system, as is the support activities. This is the famous "cover" wide and narrow which we refer when we talk about how and where to allocate the money.
As members of the Association Article 53 - Salvatore Scoca - Meucci Ruini, we are conscious of the fact that Article 53 of the Constitution, as it is delivered, not only is far from being realized, but, as confirmed by the legislative history and the past, the tax system Italian is the time conformed to the principles of the Albertine Statute in force before the Constitution made his entrance with the value attached to its Articles 2, 3, 23 and 53 . The Constitution, in its extreme balance system, has spent a good 4 inter-related articles in the topic.
Recognizing that not individual aspects of the existing tax system, but the entire system currently used are a clear example of disobedience by the political class and of the country system, the wording constitutional frankly we believe should be the departure of all reasoning.
constitutional imbalances introduced to the system are having, unfortunately, all that lethal effects can be seen in terms of inequality in taxation, of "civil disobedience" that becomes widespread tax avoidance, evasion, illegal employment, false accounting, billing, compliant, non-payment of VAT, transport and export of capital abroad. Not to mention the business and support mafia and organized crime are taking more of a thousand streams and that the current system allows. Read sneaky and exceptions on exceptions, the work of powerful lobbies that time have completely upset the initial design of the founding fathers.
On this we can and need to write down the arguments of those who care Italy and its Constitution. From this we should finally take hold in a speech to be made public as well as in the halls of Parliament. In terms of public opinion as an Association we are equipped as best as possible based on the limited means at our disposal.
Take a cue from some notes of the "keynote" that as an Association we offer sessions in which we are called to speak. We can not, within a couple of folders, say anything, but we expect that a dialogue is opened and Italy of Values, which addresses the right way analysis. We are willing to enter into the merits, and of course to be part of the work and for review.
send us the words of our founding fathers through the 'Art 53 and articles that lead to it ( Articles 2, 3:23 )?
Ci dicono che l’insieme dei singoli tributi deve informarsi a criteri di progressività . Ci dicono anche che i tributi devono essere calcolati in ragione della effettiva capacità contributiva . Ma le parola usate dall’On. SCOCA (Sed. Ass. Cost. del 23/05/47) sono chiarissime in proposito e richiamano lo scenario etico trasmesso dagli Artt. 2 e 3.
Rileggiamole attentamente "[..] There is no denying that the city, before being called to pay a portion of his wealth to the state, to satisfy public needs, it must meet the basic needs of his own life and those to which, for moral and legal obligation, must take action. "
It 'obvious that we can not buy goods, services and consumption and demand that the VAT (indirect duty ) is applied progressively according to our ability to pay. From this follows an important principle: VAT is most striking i redditi bassi. Basta guardare il grafico riportato per vedere come, purtroppo, l’aumento dei prezzi “morde” proprio in questa area che, guarda caso, è oggi sempre più affollata.
Il rispetto del dettame costituzionale chiede quindi di portare in deduzione dal reddito lordo, comunque conseguito, ivi comprese le rendite finanziarie, tutti gli oneri e spese sostenute, IN MODO ANALITICO, ed all’importo ottenuto, che è poi la CAPACITA’ CONTRIBUTIVA, applicare la progressività costituzionale secondo gli scaglioni di reddito e le aliquote previste sulla base della legge delega 825/71.
This mechanism, unlike the one currently in effect, guarantees the preservation of the dignity and role of the citizen as taxpayer and does not have absolutely aspects of confiscation of wealth tax.
Today it is not. The current system, lagging behind that constitutional and based more on the principles of the existing Albertine Statute, takes profusely from those who, like the employee and retired, has no defense against the drawdown mechanisms. other side instead has consistently protected from self-employment income, allowing a gap between actual income and found growing.
You can see from the graphic side as thanks to the thousands of loopholes in the law today a growing number of people can
hide from the tax incomes and rents.
This is not news to anyone, for example, scandal entrepreneurs complain that at the end of the year less than their employees. This paradox, like many others, thoroughly described in our editorial contributions, are partly the result of a mentality and an all-Italian "amoral familism" [1] not ago that exaggerate the failure produced by laws that happening since 1947, have increasingly disfigured until it becomes the constitutional a couple of sentences forgotten by most.
If the Constitution really needs to be restored to the center of the political agenda, if a transaction is made bold, this is definitely the return of the design of the tax system to the Constitution.
The good news is that with the Constitutional method, each step in money, in whatever form, will be recorded as overlapping entries of a double game. In this way, the ability to pay for a professional and an entrepreneur saranno verificabili senza il ricorso a metodi induttivi o, peggio, basati su una statistica approssimata per difetto per opera di lobby contrapposte. Il metodo Costituzionale permetterà di evitare la evasione fiscale, non occorrerà abolire le ritenute alla fonte dei redditi fissi, né le ritenute di acconto e le altre ritenute per le partite IVA. Non solo avremo rispettato il principio di uguaglianza di tutti i cittadini, ma avremo fatto un passo decisivo nell’abbattimento degli ostacoli di tipo economico ce frenano la crescita di tanti cittadini o di tanti giovani, ostacolati dalla mancanza di quel minimo per vivere, studiare, affermarsi (Artt. 2, 3, 23 ), lo Stato, diversamente da quanto i detrattori claim (as at the time Hon. CORBIN against the thesis of Hon. CYCO, Sed. Asst Constitution of 23/05/47), will cash as provided by adjusting the tax rates that , going on a capacity to act 'CONTRIBUTORY calculated analytically, will ensure a levy however, solidarity and fair.
Florence, 28-Nov-2009
Roberto Innocenti Torelli Manager. Association Article 53 - Salvatore Scoca - Meucci Ruini
Ing Claudio Mazzoccoli Italy of Values \u200b\u200bSesto Fiorentino,
member of the Association Article 53 - Salvatore Scoca - Meuccio Ruini
Association Article 53 - (Salvatore Scoca - Meucci Ruini)
Italy of Values \u200b\u200b.- Sesto Fiorentino http://www.sestofiorentino .
[1] Andrea Leccese: the moral foundations of Tax-Evasion Armando Editore