Thursday, October 8, 2009

Round 8.84 To The Nearest Tenth

Leg. 152/2006 TU ENVIRONMENT ISSUES great atmosphere


L’Art. 272 (paragraphs 1 and 5) of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 identifies the activities and facilities classified as minor effects air pollution. For these activities:
- not be issued a permit
- no one is required communication (even in case of installation in facilities already authorized).

However, in the event that the Company deems appropriate may be made an explicit request for an exemption using the appropriate model to which is attached the list of facilities and activities to air pollution hardly relevant. E 'by the company, which forwards the application for exemption, barrare le voci che la riguardano all’interno dell’elenco succitato.

La Provincia valuta la richiesta, ai sensi del D.Lgs. 152/2006, e rilascia la comunicazione di esenzione.

L’Amministrazione Provinciale valuta la sussistenza dei requisiti dell’inquinamento atmosferico scarsamente rilevante; successivamente può provvedere al rilascio di una comunicazione di esenzione o, in caso lo ritenga necessario, alla richiesta di ulteriori integrazioni; nel caso ritenga che la ditta non sia esentabile può procedere con l’invio alla ditta di una comunicazione di obbligo di presentazione domanda di autorizzazione ai sensi art. 269 \u200b\u200bor alternatively to permit the accession of a general nature.

CRIMPING, BORING, edging, tumbling, roller leveling, shearing, CONIFICATURA, threading, drilling, milling, punching, DRAWING, FILING, TAPPING, planing, bending, tapering, COLD PRESSING AND CUTTING, TURNING, CUTTING, DRILLING .

are considered of little relevance to air pollution also the machining, but otherwise similar to those defined sovrariportate work type.

• They can not be considered for machining low-pollution mechanical surface treatments found the following metals:
SHARPENING, SANDING, FINISHING, BLASTING, LAPIDELLATURA, lapping, taping, sanding, mechanical polishing, grinding, GRINDING, SANDING, GRINDING, TRIMMING, grinding and brushing.

this work, as well as those otherwise defined but which may be assimilated to the type of work, you need to use General General Authorisation which are classified as facilities and activities in derogation of Art. 272 paragraphs 2 and 3 Part V of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006, covered in paragraph 34) Appendix 2 to the general authorization list generic .

2. Activities / facilities is not considered to be minor effects due to air pollution emission specifications

be subject to authorization in the regular procedure :
• facilities or activities which, although identified in Part I of the Covenant. 4 Part V of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006, emit carcinogens, mutagens or toxic to reproduction substances of very high toxicity and cumulation, as identified by Part II of Annex I to Part Five of the Decree. 152/2006;
• facilities or activities which, although identified in Part I of the Covenant. 4 Part V of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006, use substances or preparati classificati dal D. Lgs. 03/02/1997 n. 52, come cancerogeni, mutageni o tossici per la riproduzione e ai quali sono state assegnate etichette con le frasi di rischio R45, R46, R49, R60, R61.

3. Impianti termici

Gli impianti termici con potenzialità superiore alle soglie previste all’art. 269 comma 14 non possono essere esentati ma devono essere sottoposti ad autorizzazione (in procedura ordinaria o generale generica).

fac-simile di domanda

ALLEGATO A) (autorizzazione di carattere generale)
ALLEGATO A1) per gli impianti e le attività di cui alla Parte II dell’Allegato Fifth Part IV of the Decree on the list activities in plant exemption (Annex B);
plan applications submitted under Article. Legislative Decree 272 of 3 April 2006, No 152
for private entities, the application shall be submitted in a legal paper

Request a quotation by sending an e-mail to
caso.gianfranco or call 3405268303 @