The issues of energy savings, work on upgrading the energy efficiency in buildings, have been approved a series of laws, including the Energy Saving Law -Leg. n.192/05, legislative decree no. n.311/06 and then the EnEV 2002. These laws tend to promote and regulate a range of measures for energy saving in the construction of new buildings but also in the planning of the works of rehabilitation of existing buildings. New materials, new processing methods and times of increasingly tight construction require a large commitment by those involved in the project, companies that deal with the realization and by whom is responsible for monitoring. Today you need to plan effectively for the construction works and rehabilitation as well as monitor and document compliance with the quality of the work, especially the air impermeability and thermal insulation. In each case the thermographic provides important information and documents the state of the works.
Infrared thermography finds its application in many areas: When tracking and verification of the pipes, and any losses, thermal imaging is very effective, even in the case of water pipes laid underneath the floor or buried. Thanks to the thermographic can be identified and documented in a simple and fast, even leaks in central heating systems.
Identification of structural defects 
Infrared thermography is the fastest and most effective method for detecting structural defects and is able to document the quality and adequate performance of the construction work. Thermography is able to display the form of thermal imaging in color, any loss of heat, humidity and possible air permeability of buildings.
Displaying energy losses 
areas of heat loss are not only a waste of energy. At these points the humidity can lead to the appearance of condensation or leaks. Consequently mold can appear with all the risks connected to them for human health. In addition, the points of heat loss are sometimes acoustic leakage points. An optimal thermal insulation is, in most cases, good sound insulation. The thermographic allows you to easily identify the points of heat loss.
Planning and rehabilitation 
The infrared technique is used in the planning of drainage works, but also for quality assurance and testing of new buildings. During drying, the thermal image allows you to check the stage reached by the same procedure and then to optimize use and durability.
Restoration of buildings 
Infrared thermography is able to provide valuable information in the case of restoration of buildings and monuments. Through the infrared images, you can view the buildings covered with plaster lattice. In this way you can, for example, consider the action of that area. It 'also possible to locate gaps in walls and plaster adottare le misure necessarie al relativo consolidamento.
Individuazione di permeabilità all’aria 
Un’ulteriore abituale applicazione è rappresentata dall’individuazione di permeabilità all’aria durante il rilevamento del tasso di ricambio d’aria tramite la procedura Blower-Door, con la quale si crea una depressione all’interno dell’edificio. Nei punti di non ermeticità, l’aria fredda penetra all’interno dell’edificio e la differenza di temperatura viene visualizzata dalla termocamera a infrarossi. Così, i punti di non ermeticità possono essere individuati ed eliminati prima che l’applicazione di rivestimenti e costruzioni interior makes the removal of these structural defects is too expensive in terms of cost and time.
control infiltration on roof terrace 
The location of leaks on flat roofs is another typical application of the infrared. Since the points where there are leaks in the roof of the sun's heat is retained longer, the camera can see and verify the extent of infiltration in a completely non-invasive. This will reduce the cost and duration of repair work or even you can completely avoid the consolidation of the roof. At the same time you can quickly locate leaks, avoiding the appearance of mold and damage related to insufficient drying of materials.
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning 
The air-conditioned building in which we find ourselves strongly influences our well being and our efficiency. The number of people on sick leave in companies can also be caused by an improper air-conditioned building business. Thermography provides, for example, images related to the functionality of climatizzanti ceilings, radiators or ventilation systems. With the information obtained can be organized in an optimal way the job without work stations exposed to the airflow.
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