Friday, December 5, 2008

Can You Bowfish With A Compound Bow



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What follows is' A brief summary of how it assesses the risk NOISE AND VIBRATION VIBRATION

Risk Assessment of vibration on construction sites

1. Abstract

The Leg n.187/05 "Implementation of Directive 2002/44/EC on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from vibration," he predicted, article 4, that the employer will assess the levels of mechanical vibration to which workers are exposed.

The assessment must be documented in writing and the drafting of the evaluation document must be completed within the January 1, 2006, except in the case of family businesses or the total number of employees equal to or less than ten that are exempted from writing the document. In this last respect are obliged to report that the exemption from preparing a written document does not exempt the employer from the execution of the evaluation and dall'esplicitare, if required, the criteria that led to the results of this evaluation.

When the risk assessment show that for some workers the action values \u200b\u200bare exceeded (2.5 m/sec2 for hand-arm vibration and 0.5 m/sec2 for whole body vibration), it is necessary to develop and implement a program of technical and organizational measures to minimize exposure.

The criteria for the preparation of such a program are set out in art. 5 of the standard, in this paper we limit ourselves to pointing out that the program must be at least: the replacement of 07.07.2010 by producing equipment exceeding the threshold level of exposure (or drastic reduction of exposure time to within the limits), the provision of personal protection from vibration and clothing to protect workers from cold and damp, the maintenance program of the machinery, the action taken or to conduct training and information to workers. According to

prevailing views the requirement of drafting the program also applies to family businesses or employers with a workforce not exceeding ten.

vibration risk assessment is to determine the level of exposure, and this for each of the workers who make use of the equipment that produce vibrations affecting the hand-arm or whole body.

If this level is below the action levels (2.5 m/sec2 for hand-arm vibration and whole-body vibration for m/sec2 0.5) the rule is to be paid by employers, information and training whose contents are listed in Article 6 of the Decree n.187/2005.

Normally, the information and training take place during the courses provided by art. 22 of Legislative Decree 626/94 may be integrated, especially for information, using traditional methods already in use (distribution of information materials, machine cards, etc.)..

If the exposure lies between the level of action just defined and the level limit (5m/sec2 for hand-arm vibration and whole-body vibration for m/sec2 1.15), as well as the elaboration of the measures and organizational techniques that have been mentioned and the information and training of workers, the employer must submit the workers involved in health surveillance by the physician in charge which will provide the establishment and keeping of medical records and risk.

When, finally, the assessment reveal the exposure limit is exceeded and subject to the possibility of derogation under Article 9 of the rule is necessary to bring the exposure below the limit.

This rule allows an exception in case of equipment provided to employees dated earlier than July 6, 2007: in such case, the requirement to respect the limits shall run from July 6, 2010.

In the latter case, of course, the employer must at least comply with the provisions in the event of exceeding the action value with the warning that the measures prevention and protection to be implemented (and indicate in the program) will be implemented consistent with the needs and so that, in particular for what concerns the reduction of exposure time and the replacement of equipment.

2. The methods for assessment

Following the proven method for assessing exposure to risk and noise consistent with what is described in the "Guidelines for the assessment of risks from vibration at the workplace" developed by ISPESL, the logical path For the assessment of risk exposure vibrations can be summarized as follows:

1) Identifying workers at risk

2) for each worker exposed to identify the risk (or) the sources of exposure and the exposure time (daily or weekly but still representative of the period of greatest exposure in relation to actual work situations)

3) Identify (make and type) of individual machine or equipment used

4) In relation to equipment used to identify the level of exposure during use of the single machine and equipment

5) Determine the level of daily exposure normalized to the reference period of 8 hours.

2.1 Identification of workers at risk

course finding stems from knowledge of the duties performed by each worker, for this purpose can be instrumental in the analysis of the cards for homogeneous groups of workers in the manual "Understanding # 12 to prevent" Vol published by CPT II in Turin.

analysis of these cards, whose completeness and responsiveness to operational reality of the yards has been established (according to Art. 16 of Legislative Decree 494/96), even from the Standing Consultative Commission of the Ministry of Labour, workers are exposed to vibration espletanti tasks set out in Appendix 1 (column 2).

2.2. Identification time of exposure to risk

time vibration exposure depends, for each worker, from the actual working conditions.

Given that the determination of the exposure time is the responsibility of the assessor who, therefore, may deviate from the information provided below on the basis of special surveys, we provide the basic criteria to determine the exposure time in the absence of specific fieldwork.

For most tasks, the percentage of time spent on individual jobs that cause vibration is directly drawn from cards mentioned in the previous section and is shown, together with the equipment source vibration, Annex No. 1 (columns 3 and 5).

In the few cases where the exposure time to shake is not directly taken from the reading of the cards for homogeneous groups was conducted a specific campaign of fieldwork that has allowed the completion of the necessary information to all workers at risk .

Annex 1, where the exposure time to shake related to the use of a specific machine or equipment is not obtainable directly from the card to homogeneous groups, are the times of exposure to risk related to a single vibration the equipment that produces them. Obviously

time of actual exposure to harmful vibrations is less than that devoted to processing and that the effect of periods of idling or low load or for other reasons.

will be for the evaluator in relation to working methods adopted by individual company, assess the level of reduction of exposure to be made to the percentages specified in column 3 of Annex 1 (provided, for the only equipment of interest in the scheme calculation illustrated in paragraph 4 of this note). Typically the reduction given above takes into account the attenuation of vibration due to the use of personal protective equipment (vedi punto 3 della presente nota).

La percentuale del tempo di effettiva esposizione (ottenuto moltiplicando i valori di colonna 3 con quelli dei coefficienti di riduzione di cui sopra) potrà essere riportata nello schema di calcolo esemplificato al punto 4 della presente nota.

2.3. Individuazione delle singole macchine utilizzate che possano indurre vibrazioni sul sistema mano-braccio o sull’intero corpo.

E’ necessario a tal fine redigere un apposito elenco in cui sono riportate:

- categoria della macchina o attrezzatura (p. es. carrello sollevatore)
- marca ( Fiat-OM)
- modello (p. es. E – 25 N)

Gli same data for each of the workers concerned will be included in the calculation scheme exemplified in section 4 of this note.

2.4. Specifying the level of vibrations on the human hand-arm or whole body from a single machine or equipment used.

E 'this undoubtedly the most delicate and complex of the entire assessment.

Obviously the safest method to identify and correct the level of vibrations on the human hand-arm or whole body from a single machine or equipment is used to carry out specific measurements in the actual conditions of use of equipment introduced to this end of the methodologies in ISO 5349-1 and ISO 2631-1.

E 'known as such measurements are complex and expensive, and for these reasons, the rules for inferring levels of vibration or from databases ISPESL, regions or CNR or directly from producers or suppliers.

2.4.1. Use of information provided by the manufacturer

With regard to the information provided by the manufacturer to recall that a CE equipment (usually the market after the entry into force of Decree 459/96), the manufacturer is required to indicate in the instructions for the use of hand-held "the mean square acceleration frequency faced by the members, if it exceeds 2.5 m/sec2 "and that if the acceleration does not exceed it must be mentioned, and likewise, with regard to equipment that induce whole body vibrations, the manufacturer is obliged to tell you when you exceed the action value of 0.5 m/sec2.

However it should be noted that very often and especially in cases where evidence from the manufacturer have been carried out under conditions different from those occurring in situ (typically follow rules of evidence other than those prescribed by ISO 5349-1 or ISO 2631-1) *, the figure provided by the manufacturer ("declared value" in the database ISPESL) is not immediately usable except correct it by following the methods set out in Tables 4.5 and 6 of "How to use the Vibration Database" ISPESL and equipment that lead to what hand-arm vibration.

As for whole-body vibration, manufacturers often do not declare the acceleration above the action value (0.5 m/sec2), but from the surveys on site and in some cases, there are values \u200b\u200bhigher than that value of action and, rarely, higher than the limit (1.15 m/sec2): in such cases the criteria for the corrections will be deducted by the assessor examining equipment of the type (and possibly the brand) in the bank ISPESL data.

If however, the manufacturer, instructions for use that must accompany the car, indicating the level of vibration in terms of use identical or very similar to those found in the yard, the readings can be taken without the above corrections or, for prudence, making minor corrections to take account of the machine age, maintenance status, etc..

· on Database ISPESL, once identified (type, make, model) the equipment you need, click on the model leads to the leaflet in which the standard of proof is shown.

2.4.2 Application of the ISPESL database

Given that the database is available at ISPESL (or directly from
home page by clicking "News" or by clicking on Documentation-Databases-Vibration Database) in its use you can find in front of different situations for each of which offer possible solutions. Case 1

to the target machine are available on the database of vibration levels in terms of use identical or similar to those found on site (detailed in the car under the words "highest measured value).

In this case will be assumed the data contained in the database. Case 2

For the machine in question are not directly available values \u200b\u200bin work on the database, the data are available back to values \u200b\u200bderived from laboratory tests conducted in
(detailed in the car under the words "declared value").
In such a case and save the programming of subsequent control measures in place will take them as an acceleration in the work, "declared value" correct according to what is stated in paragraph 2.4.1. Case 3

equipment for which no information is available on the database or by the manufacturer (not CE marked machines in general).

is assumed conservatively that baseline For the assessment of the worst equipment of the same type present in the database, where applicable, to reflect the obsolescence and maintenance level.

NB In order to integrate the data in the database are listed in Annex 2 ISPESL the results of field tests conducted by the Polytechnic of Turin and on a number of special equipment used on construction sites.

2.5 Determination of the level of exposure to the standard reference period of eight hours

This level is obtained by applying the formula:

A 8 = A (E) 1 / 2

Where: A is the level

vibration taken with the criteria referred to above.
E is the effective rate of exposure in 2.2.
If the worker is exposed to vibrations from more than one formula to use the equipment is as follows:

A8 = (A12 + A2 2 x E1 x E2 + ... ... ...) 1 / 2

Where A1, A2 ... ... and E1, E2 ... .. refer to a single source of vibration.

3 The use of personal protection.

In the case of vibration affecting the hand-arm vibration using gloves declared as such by the manufacturer can reduce (sometimes dramatically) the level of vibration felt by the worker especially as regards type machines trimmers, chain saws and grinders: in such cases and in the absence of indications from the manufacturers we can assume a reduction of vibration level equal to that shown in Table 7 of the "Learning about the Bank Vibration Data "ISPESL.

course, if you have the manufacturer's instructions, which will assume the level of attenuation specified by the manufacturer, which often reaches values \u200b\u200beven more interesting.

Less net (depending on the type of glove) the reductions are found for roto-hammers and drills, in many cases the use of gloves can be even contraindicated in such cases it is necessary to rely solely on what is indicated by the manufacturer.

Even more complex is the case in the case of the attenuation of the vibrations affecting the whole body: to assess the attenuation produced by any system (passive or, better still, active) you need specific information and definitely reliable.

4 Examples of assessment relating to specific cases

Example 1

Name of employee: ... ... ... ... ... ..
Type of project: Maintenance of open
Type: Maintenance Group
green uniform and officer trimmer motor
Machines used: Brushcutter Einhell Vip 52

Reference tab CPP 12 (see Annex 1)

machinery used (see All.1)
processing time (see All.1)
Coeff. Correction
(see paragraph. 2.2)%
time actually
E-Max Vibration
A m/sec2)
Card No 283

Einhell Vip
52 0.70 0.50 0.35 4.3

Exposure Level A8 = 4.3 x (0.35) 1 / 2 = 2.54 m/sec2

The maximum value of vibration is taken from the Database ISPESL
or max value of the vibration was deduced from the data supplied by the manufacturer, plus secondo i criteri suggeriti nella “Guida all’utilizzo della Banca Dati Vibrazioni” dell’ISPESL.

Il coefficiente di correzione è stato dedotto da rilevazioni sul campo (e tiene conto dell’utilizzo di mezzi personali di protezione*)

* Inserire tale dizione solo nel caso in cui di faccia uso di DPI e indicare il tipo di DPI.

Il presente schema di calcolo, completato con le indicazioni di cui sopra, può costituire il documento di valutazione del rischio vibrazioni relativo al lavoratore interessato: la raccolta di tutti i documenti analoghi relativi ai lavoratori dell’impresa soggetti al rischio costituisce il documento di valutazione richiesto dalla norma.